This week we worked on helping our new students feel comfortable and have fun at school. With the help of our new teacher, Miss Bonny, we were able to give our little ones extra attention and support to follow the routine and more actively participate in circle time.
The activities this week focused on counting and movement skills.
Our project this week was to make small balls of paper and glue them onto paper.
For our large group activity, we sang “This Old Man” and played with bean bags outside.
We have new toys and games this year, so we worked on learning how to treat our new belongings, clean up our classroom and share our space. Our children have been great at making our new students feel welcome. Olivia sang “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to Selah to help her stop crying and Savannah is already best friends with Tallulah. This is going to be a wonderful year!