
HighScope emphasizes adult child interaction, a carefully designed learning environment with a daily routine, and a plan-do-review process that strengthens initiative and self-reliance in children.  Teachers and students are active partners and learning is seen as an interactive growth process.  By using the main components of the HighScope model, it provides us with an open framework in which we are able to create a balanced curriculum.  The daily routine allows for consistency and security for the children yet the freedom within to exert control over themselves, their environment and their activities.

Our content is based on the notion that in order to be school ready, children are given play-oriented, exploratory activities that allow them to interact, make choices, and participate at their own developmental level which promotes initiative and independence.  Our curriculum parallels the five dimensions of school readiness as identified by the National Education Goals Panel (NEGP; Kagan et al,. 1995): approaches to learning; language, literacy, and communication; social and emotional development; physical development, health and well being; and arts and sciences.  The Key Developmental Indicators of the HighScope model address each of those areas which is the basis for our curriculum.  We believe in teaching the skills necessary for all aspects of school and life.  Although we may use different themes to guide the children’s learning, ideas are drawn from your children’s natural curiosity.