Today was a very exciting week. We started with the letter O and talked about the sound it makes and the words that begin with O. We have also been talking and singing a lot abou[...]
SNOW DOUGH You will need 1 cup flour 1/2 cup salt 1/3 cup white powdered tempera paint 1/3 cup silver glitter 1 cup hot water 2 Tbsp. oil 1 Tbsp. cream of tartar Mix together the i[...]
What a great week we had. The children are really getting the routine down. We had very successful circle times and work times this week. Our letter of the week was “SR[...]
A question I have been wondering lately and also getting from parents is how long should my 2 year old sleep. On average, children between the ages of 1-3 should sleep about 12 ho[...]
I found this great article about the benefit of sending your child to a preschool program. First Years: Preschool can pay dividends for life. This is that time of year where parent[...]
What a fabulous week we had! What a blast learning the personalities of our new kiddos. It is going to be a fun group for sure. We have some characters among us that keep me lau[...]
In doing research for the methodology and curriculum I would be using for the preschool, I have read many descriptions of a high quality program. HighScope provides the following [...]
The pieces for our new early learning center are coming together and we have some fabulous opportunities in the works. We are so excited to be able to partner with such great comm[...]
It is official that we have decided to open a preschool. Currently as a licensed in home daycare provider, I have been working on curriculum to add a preschool component to our pr[...]