Lacking pictures this week but no shortage of learning and exploring. Empty boxes seemed to be the theme this week. We introduced a few empty boxes and that kept everyone busy for hours. We talked about the different sizes and shapes of the boxes. We had a long, shallow, wooden rectangular box with a flip up lid, a round hat box, a plain square cardboard box. The kids pushed them around used them to store things, used them as beds, cars, storage. They loved taking other things in the classroom and transferring them to the boxes.
We also worked on our self-portraits. Some of the kids are getting the hang of drawing a circle for their head, but inevitable scribble over it. That’s okay it is a work in progress. It will be exciting when the head, eyes and mouth become much clearer. Hopefully by the end of the year. Most of them are only 2 though.
Our main book this week was You are Special by Max Lucado. A great little story about self-worth. The kids seemed to really enjoy it. They could relate to the stickers;)
We usually talk about Saturday and Sunday as our stay at home days but today we talked about next week being a stay at home week. We are excited about Spring Break and being able to spend time planning some new and exciting lessons for the classroom.
We have extended our fundraiser for new curriculum until after the break. We are saving up for the Highscope math curriculum. Everyone seems to love the bulbs and needed more time to order.
This is our first fundraiser so we will see how it goes. We have a few more in the works so stay tuned.
Some other concepts in the works for the children are magnets, sink and float and sorting and classifying.